Product Liability Insurance

Product liability insurance can be confusing to purchase. Policy features can be unique. Claims for defective products, design and inadequate warnings pose challenges to specialty food and beverage companies.

May be a good fit for

Supplements | Food/Beverage Importers | Alternative Products | Hemp Based Products | Nutraceutical Manufacturers | CBD products | Energy Drinks

What is Product Liability Insurance?

Product liability covers bodily injury and property damage, to third parties, due to a product.

May not cover:

  • Business Premise (owned or rented)

  • Business Operations

However, product liability can vary and needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Designated Products

Coverage will apply to products designated by the policy and may even apply to a particular vendor.

Although a useful feature, monitor product and vendor changes closely so your insurance stays up to date.


Deductibles take two forms:

  • Per Claim deductibles apply to all claims filed. One occurrence will trigger multiple deductibles.

  • Per Occurrence deductible is triggered for all claims resulting from a single occurrence.